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Local Plan update 2023-2041 – Call for Sites


Date: 25/07/2024

Local Plan update 2023-2041 – Call for Sites

  • Housing (sites of five or more additional new dwellings)

  • Economic development (sites of 0.25ha or above or able to provide 500 sqm or above of additional floor space)

  • Gypsy and traveller sites

  • Custom and self-build housing

  • Leisure and tourism

  • Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)

  • Blue/green infrastructure - e.g. rewilding, natural flood mitigation, or renewable energy

    Councillor Gill Yeates, Chair of the Planning Policy Committee at Arun District Council, said:

    “The Call for Sites consultation is an important part of our work to update the Local Plan, which was adopted in 2018.

    We are particularly interested to know if you are planning to develop the land within the next five years, or in the longer term.

    This process gives us a better understanding of potential land that might be available for a range of uses which could help to meet Arun’s future

Arun District Council is launching a Call for Sites consultation in 2024, as part of an update to the Local Plan.

The annual consultation on the HELAA is a process in which developers, landowners and members of the public are invited to put forward sites across the district for the potential development of:

The suitability of these sites will be assessed for potential allocation for their proposed use in the Local Plan update and consulted on in the future.

“We are inviting the community, especially landowners and developers, to put forward potential sites and to let us know what kind of future development is proposed.

Contact Amanda Harding on 01903 737604 / or

development needs, including recovering biodiversity and the natural environment, reducing flood risk and carbon emissions, whilst boosting the local economy.”

The ‘Call for Sites’ will run from 25 July 2024 until 5 September 2024.

If you wish to submit details of a new site, or provide an update on an existing site, please complete our online e-form. The form and guidance notes are on our website (

Submissions can include any previously developed land and existing Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) sites.

You do not have to own a site to suggest it for development, but you will need to provide us with the landowner’s details so that we can contact them. We also suggest you speak to the landowner before submitting details of the site.

If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Policy and Conservation Team at