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Major Projects Special


A284 Lyminster Bypass

The Scheme aims to alleviate traffic issues through Lyminster Village with the northern section of the bypass completing the link road from the A27 at Crossbush, providing access to Littlehampton.

The progress made in the last six months:

North of Ancient Hedgerow

In the second phase of culvert installation, a concrete culvert was built to support the live road over the stream, with a traffic island added for pedestrians and cyclists.

In December, a 250-ton crane removed temporary sheet piles that had been holding back earth. Additionally, brickwork was added to the culvert's exterior to enhance its appearance and provide protection.

Ancient Hedgerow to Bridleway

Traffic was diverted onto a short section of the new road for culvert installation, this is over the link road that will connect the Bypass to the old Lyminster Road. To reduce the future noise pollution, acoustic fencing has been set up around the link road.

In landscaping areas, the ground has been prepared, and hedging whips were planted to promote biodiversity and establish new hedge lines around the project site.

Bridleway to Black Ditch             

The embankment for the road is awaiting the final road surface. The footpath on the eastern side is complete, with concrete borders and marked edges. Pre-cast concrete drainage units have been installed to direct water runoff into the drainage system.

Additionally, the farmer's access track has been finished, with concrete edgings placed around its perimeter to define its boundaries clearly.

South of Black Ditch

In the viaduct's footpath, a subsurface drainage system (pipes and ditches that run beneath the surface) has been installed for managing rainwater and preventing waterlogging.

Concrete has also been added along the bridge's edges in preparation for a new layer of tarmac, ensuring the pathway will be strong and durable.


Click here for further information


Bus Service Improvement Plan(BSIP)

Significant work is underway to deliver on the commitments set out in our BSIP.  The improvements will deliver reduced bus journey times, improved passenger information and upgrades to roadside infrastructure, making bus journeys easier for passengers.  Progress on our capital commitments are as follows:  

  • Real time passenger information (RTPI) screens – A countywide rollout of RTPI upgrades at bus stops started in January 2024 with 390 having been complete to date and a further 43 planned by March 2025. 


  • Manor Royal, Crawley - The final phase of the Manor Royal Highways Improvements, Crawley will extend the eastbound bus lane on Manor Royal Road. Construction started in Early February 2025 and is expected to complete in Autumn 2025.


  • Bus stop improvements – A countywide upgrade of bus stops started in 2024 with improvements made to 43 bus stops and a further 25 planned by April 2025. 


  • Bus priority at traffic signals – The traffic light junction upgrades started in November 2023 with seventeen having been complete to date and a further seven planned by March 2025.


  • Fastway, Crawley – Bus stop upgrades have been completed on 33 bus stops across Fastway Bus Routes 10 & 20. Further improvements are planned to improve bus journey times at 3 sites during Spring 2025.


  • Western Boulevard, Crawley – Delivering dedicated bus lanes on the Boulevard (west) and bus priority upgrades at signalised junctions nearby. The work was led by Crawley Borough Council, and the delivery of the project has now been completed.


  • Route 500 Bus Shelter Scheme –The tendering process is underway for the installation of 10 shelters along the route. Barnham and Eastergate Parish Council is leading on this with purchase of shelters, licencing and installation being project managed by the chosen contractor.


Read more here


A29 Realignment Scheme

The scheme will deliver a new 4.34km road to the east of Eastergate, Westergate and Woodgate villages in two phases:

Phase 1 (north): From the A29 south of Eastergate Lane to a new junction with Barnham Road. Video link here

Phase 2 (south): From Barnham Road to a new junction on the A29 south of Lidsey bends

Phase 1 update: Following demolition of the Fleurie Nursery site last Summer, WSCC has continued to work with landowners alongside the Barnham Road Roundabout site.

WSCC is currently moving forward with the early construction of the Barnham Road Roundabout (Phase 1A) which will provide access to some housing and a Primary School site through the southern route. 

The Major Projects team is working with its specialists to issue a tender for the roundabout's construction and expecting a Key Decision soon. The tendering process is scheduled for spring and summer 2025. With subject to land agreements, construction is anticipated to begin in autumn 2025 and will last approximately a year.

Further information available here


Haywards Heath - South Road

The scheme emerged from the Haywards Heath Town Study 2015 and aims to discourage traffic through the shopping area along with providing an environmental enhancement.

Following the public engagement in summer 2022, the scheme was costed, and funding opportunities were reviewed. The prospect of additional funding from Central Government is no longer looking to be viable within the foreseeable future. As such, the scope of the scheme is being reviewed if it is deliverable using available developer Section 106 contributions.

Throughout Spring 2025, we will be engaging with the public to learn about their views of our proposed plan.


Worthing Railway Approach and Cross Street

Works to the Worthing Railway Station frontage and Railway Approach completed before Christmas, with the exception of minor snagging. The Railway Approach project, delivered by the Worthing Growth Programme, was delivered in synergy with the Active Travel funded Cross Street works to reduce disruption. The project enhanced accessibility features, increased greening and introduced safety measures such as improved lighting and CCTV. Additionally, the project promotes walking and cycling with measures including a contraflow cycle lane and raised tables introduced.

WSCC also commissioned Artyface to work with the local community to create four mosaic roundels for the front of the station with support from local ceramics artist, Alice Mara. For more information on the mosaic roundels, please click the link .

Sustainability was a priority throughout design and construction with the project’s focus being to create a safe and attractive gateway between the public transport hub and the town centre for pedestrians and cyclists. Local contractor Landbuild were able to reuse a significant quantity of materials within the project itself or along Bognor Regis Esplanade, as well as introducing 17 more trees and further planting into the landscape. A deep dive into the project’s sustainability attributes will be included in a press release next month following the project’s opening.

A video flythrough of the completed works is now available on this link.


Click here for further information


A259 Bognor Regis to Littlehampton

This scheme aims to enhance active travel, bus priority measures as well as highway capacity at various locations along the A259 Bognor Regis to Littlehampton corridor between Comet Corner and Bridge Road roundabout. We are currently awaiting for the approval of the outline business case by the Department for Transport. When approved, a full business case will be prepared and submitted for further approval before construction can start.


View Scheme Plans


Chichester City Centre Public Realm Improvements

This project seeks to upgrade and improve the City Centre experience by resurfacing/re-paving and extending the pedestrianised areas of North and East Street, with the addition of new street furniture and planting. Additionally the project includes the upgrade of mobile and broadband internet infrastructure.

Initial design concepts were drawn up last year and were subject to a public consultation which took place in November 2024.

Over 600 responses were received, which will be used by the design team to influence the design stage.

We have recently appointed a designer and commissioned a full site survey.

We are currently:

  • Locating and surveying the position of underground pipes and cables.
  • Researching various surfacing options.
  • Considering options for the digital apparatus.
  • Working with telecoms companies to establish who would be interested in partnering with us for the digital element of the project.

The scheme is subject to funding being secured before any works can commence.


Click here for further details


Bognor Regis Esplanade

As part of the Arun Growth Programme, the project will improve areas of the public realm by, increasing accessibility, reducing the speed limit to 20mph, increasing greening and introducing raised crossings. This will complement wider improvements in the area including works to place at:

  • Place St Maur (completed)
  • Alexandra Theatre
  • Bognor Regis Arcade
  • The new Premier Inn hotel

The project is currently under construction and is expected to complete in early spring 2025.

View Scheme Plans


Produced by the Stakeholder and Partnerships Officer, Highways Transport and Planning. Please contact with any comments or suggestions.